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Bonjour, je souhaite acheter le pass interrail îles Grecques pour avoir accès aux ferrys. Mais avant ceci j’aimerais m’adresser à quelqu’un qui a déjà utiliser ce pass pour qu’il puisse me répondre a ces 2 questions: Lors de la réservation, es qu’il y a des frais supplémentaires ? Et seconde question: L’organisation des ferrys, leurs accessibilités, leurs compréhension est-elle facile ?


Bonne journée et merci d’avance.


Hello, I want to buy the Greek Islands interrail pass to have access to the ferries. But before this I would like to contact someone who has already used this pass so that he can answer me these 2 questions: When booking, are there any additional costs? And second question: Is the organization of ferries, their accessibility, their understanding easy?

Have a nice day and thank you in advance.

Major grumble I´ve read is that its limited to 1 or 2 companies-so the island you want may be not served by them-this is quite different from the railways passes. It will also mean that if a major island has several ferries-and yours is late or cancelled-you have no recourse as to wait for next-or pay the full fare for the other ferry. All in all the savings are not that big.

In this forum we have till now only seen lots of questions and report of problems-the online booking has only be added very recently-it is common in GR to simply buy ticket for next trip at port-but the young generation is unable to stand even the thought of maybe having to wait or not follow the plans made so carefully many weeks ago. Just as with the trains-there is hardly ever feedback or additional info from those who have recently been there and done that.

The fare is reduced to 0 on the booking website when you select the Greek Islands pass discount.

I haven't used any Greek ferries myself, so can't comment on their organisation.

By the way, you should be able to buy a Greek Islands Pass from the SNCF ticket office. You'll have it immediately and there won't be any postage charges.

It's best to check the ferry prices though before you buy the pass. It really depends if it is worth buying it.
