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Hi! I´ve been travelling in Europe from the 11 of May till 14 of June.

On monday 30 my celphone and my bag were stolen in Italy. The robber made me a disaster with my celphone, traying to buy different stuffs through websites and aplications.

Now that I’m back in Argentina, I realize that an eurail pass was contracted with my name and with this email: XXX. They used one of my VISA credit cards to pay for it

I never used this pass and it wasn’t me who contracted it. I need urgent refund of this money in my credit card. I don’t know wether someone used this pass or not, but if so, it wasn’t me.

I wait for your urgent contact.


Moderator note: private information has been removed for privacy reasons

Please remove the personal information in your text above. 

No one in the Community can help you with this. You need to contact Customer Support through this form and explain what has happend and see if you can get help. You need to include a copy of the police report where you reported the theft.

REMOve this adress asap.

YOu have to contact the cred card company for refunds-or perhaps the insurance that usually in most countries comes with it
