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I am fully aware that a Global Pass is only valid in countries other than my own (except those two days).

However, České dráhy (Czech national railway operator) claim on the Interrail page of their site that “During the ticket’s term of validity, it is possible to return to the Czech Republic and to use the same ticket to travel out again, without any formalities.” -

That confuses me quite a lot because there’s been this overwhelming discussion that I can NOT arrive and depart more times BUT that Interrail can be combined with a network-wide ticket. I have no problem with buying ČD’s summer ticket to cover the Czech republic as it’s remarkably cheap, but I’m just confused whether the statement above is true or whether the truth is somewhere in between.

Thank you so much :)


I think it’s just a misleading phrase. Even CD says under “terms and conditions”:

Interrail Global Pass neplatí v zemi trvalého bydliště. Máte však nárok na 2 jízdy v zemi trvalého bydliště, a to na vycestování ze země bydliště (na státní hranici/letiště) a na návrat zpět do země bydliště (ze státní hranice/letiště).


I think it’s just a misleading phrase. Even CD says under “terms and conditions”:

Interrail Global Pass neplatí v zemi trvalého bydliště. Máte však nárok na 2 jízdy v zemi trvalého bydliště, a to na vycestování ze země bydliště (na státní hranici/letiště) a na návrat zpět do země bydliště (ze státní hranice/letiště).


I know, but the other one clearly says it’s possible, so I’m really confused. Someone must consciously written it...

I think it’s just a misleading phrase. Even CD says under “terms and conditions”:

Interrail Global Pass neplatí v zemi trvalého bydliště. Máte však nárok na 2 jízdy v zemi trvalého bydliště, a to na vycestování ze země bydliště (na státní hranici/letiště) a na návrat zpět do země bydliště (ze státní hranice/letiště).


I know, but the other one clearly says it’s possible, so I’m really confused. Someone must consciously written it...

What it says is that you might do a break without problems, not that you are allowed to travel for free. And the first one is true. As I did write: Just misleading. And without any legal relevance (just part of the FAQ)...

“use the same ticket to travel out again” 😓

Well, I’ll probably get in touch with them to ask what they mean by that.

You may do that but it would be against all rules mentioned anywhwere officially (even by CD). Even if you buy a paper pass that would make it technically possible… but let us know what the answer is...

It COULD be it is a non-deleted rule from years ago, simply forgotten. I am from Nizozemsko (NL) and Here on NS there was also for a few yrs-by now long ago-the rule that it was valid unlimited times also in home-country-at a time when there were only paper passes. CD might have had the same-as train travel Inside CZ used to be extremely cheap for many years. And assuming you are junior still-you still get 50% discount (even when it was 75 for a short time).


it turns out that it’s just strange wording and it certainly is NOT possible to use it for transit via my home country. ČD however offer border tickets at a global price of 35 Kč (something like €1.50), which is a very good solution.

Thank you!
