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Hello everyone, I have a question about my journeys. I have browsed through the forum and I am only getting more confused - so I am putting my question here hoping for some help!


I live and study in Switzerland, and I need to take a specific course on Thursday in Paris. So I plan on leaving and returning to Switzerland on the same day.

I have bought a global pass, and my current travel plan is: (123 morning 456 afternoon)

  1. Zürich to Basel
  2. Basel to Strasbourg
  3. Strasbourg to Paris Est
  4. Paris Est to Strasbourg
  5. Strasbourg to Basel
  6. Basel to Zürich

Again these all take places in one day! I wonder if my global pass could cover the Zürich-Basel part and Basel-Zürich part? On my app I have selected these yet no outbound and inbound journeys were used so I am quite confused.


I am well aware of the Lyria option but I have already purchased above tickets for the following weeks.

Any help would be appreciated!




What country do you have as country of residence on your pass? Switzerland?

You only see the outbound/inbound travel day if you activate the travel day. Did you do that?

If you activate the pass and travel days, make sure to use a date well in the future and then cancel the travel day and deactivate the pass. 

Hello Anna, I have switzerland as my country of residence, and I have activated the travel days (At least I believe!)

Still I see these:

Travel days 1/10 Used

Outbound/Inbound 0/2 Used

What country do you have as country of residence on your pass? Switzerland?

You only see the outbound/inbound travel day if you activate the travel day. Did you do that?

If you activate the pass and travel days, make sure to use a date well in the future and then cancel the travel day and deactivate the pass. 

Hello Anna, I have switzerland as my country of residence, and I have activated the travel days (At least I believe!)

Still I see these:

Travel days 1/10 Used

Outbound/Inbound 0/2 Used

Can you post a screen shot of your Trip with the journeys? Remove any personal data. 

Can you post a screen shot of your Trip with the journeys? Remove any personal data. 

Hello Anna, please see the screenshot attached! It says outbound/inbounds are not used.

Strange, but it also says it uses 2 traveldays-which is also not quite right-unless you have already put in another trip?

Strange, but it also says it uses 2 traveldays-which is also not quite right-unless you have already put in another trip?

Yes I have another trip!

Your pass should be showing all the individual trains but your screen pass is showing only a journey from A to A - i.e. not actually travelling anywhere.

In your trip you should have all 6 showing and then a small slider to move them to your travel day.

I'd be interested to see what My Trip looks like.

Hello I have taken a picture of my trip!

Thanks for the My Trip details. The journeys have been activated but no "in/out” is shown for the travel days. So that suggests that the country of residence is not Switzerland (or France) or a bug in the app.

Can you add a screen shot of your Trip?
