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Hi! I’m wondering how the 30day interrail ticket actually works. I would like to know if I am allowed to travel from my country A, to country B and then come back to A for a while and then continue my journey to country C? Hard to explain but basically can I go to my own country in the middle of my journey or does the ticket end whenI go back to my country? 

No you can get home so many times you want, BUT only on 2 days you are allowed to use it in your home country. This means after this 2 days, you have to pay a normal ticket from the border station or airport to your home town. 

But you state to be suomenlainen-then its hardly an issue-fly in+out for much less.

Also note that if you plan the overland route via the 3 baltics you may encounter quite some probs with pass-they are unused to it, plus that local tickets will likely even be much cheaper as passdays.
