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Hello guys, 

I want to travel home from Gothenburg to Frankfurt (Main) but I wont have a connection that will bring me home in one day.

I have to take a night train from Gothenburg to Hamburg and then change trains in Hamburg to get to Frankfurt on the next morning.

Now my Question: Can I count this whole journey as one inbound travelday or do I have to buy a ticket from Hamburg to Frankfurt/plan a stop in Denmark so I can make it in one day? 

There is a way to fix this as long as the train enters Germany on the same day as the arrival in Hamburg. @seewulf and @rvdborgt knows how to do.


You have to use 2 traveldays-also in the solution that anna mentions-as otherwise the app thinks you have 3 traveldays in DE=impossible. It boils down to making 2 trips: day 1 is fra Göteborg till Padborg/grenze-day 2 from there to home (may have to set manually)-train passes (and I hope you got that RES-it is really needed.

ALT: buy for 9€ and use nahverkehr fra HH till F=takes a long time, half of it have to stand crushed.

ALT-if NO RES: use the other DSB overnite fra K/obenhvn till Fredericia/Kolding-then onward from there=pass also border day 2.

You have to use 2 traveldays-

Yes 2 travelday but only 1 day in Germany. There is a way to do this by splitting the trip in 2 parts and then you only use 1 travel day, but I don't know exactly how to do.

I found the topic with the solution to your problem.

Please ask if you need more advice. 
