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If I go on a train in the morning, for example at 7 a.m and arrive somewhere at 10 a.m and than I go on the next train in the evening at 5 p.m and arrive to the destination at 9 p.m the same day. Do these two trips count as one travel day or two days, since everything happens in the same day? 

On a travel day, you can use as many trains as you want:

You can even still board a train on same travelday that ends next morning. I´ve sometimes used well over 10 single train rides-obviously some quite short, in 1 day.

You can even still board a train on same travelday that ends next morning. I´ve sometimes used well over 10 single train rides-obviously some quite short, in 1 day.

oh, thank you!

On a travel day, you can use as many trains as you want:

thank you!
