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How to change the starting day of my Pass?

  • 15 July 2021
  • 1 reply

Salve, la mia applicazione ha sbagliato il

giorno di attivazione del Pass. Il mio viaggio inizia il 31 luglio ma l’applicazione rail planner indica oggi 15 luglio come giorno di inizio. Come faccio a cambiarlo? Grazie anticipatamente 

Hi, most probably you have activated your Pass with your first travel day planned for the 15th of July. You can cancel your first travel day any time before the start of that day (00:00 CET). As the 15th of July is in the past, it is no longer possible to cancel that travel day. If that is the case, please contact our Customer Support here, so that they can look into your case and assist you further. 


