Does anyone what to do in Estonia, when (“Elron”) conductors who do not recognize - or do not wish to be bothered with - mobile Global passes?
In five days, I have ridden Elron trains maybe six times.
On my very first ride, the conductor - to her credit - telephoned HQ and asked what to do.
TWO conductors have said the Pass “is not good.” Only ONE conductor has recognized the pass and issued the €0.00 receipt (per Elron procedure). I’ve saved these and showing them has helped - sometimes (twice thus far).
Yesterday, after showing a previous Elron receipt, the conductor said “let it be” (according to an English-speaking passenger sitting next to me) and walked away.
Today, the conductor said that the mobile Pass was “no good,” and said that the previous Elron receipt was “not good” (it shows Tallinn as the destination; I’m going to Paldiski).
By (sharp) contrast, I’ve used intercity buses four times, and ticket sellers and drivers were very helpful and courteous.
(By the way, I’m no “rookie.” The first time I used a Eurail Pass was 1976. This could be Pass number 10 by now . . .)