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How to request refund interrail country pass.

  • 10 July 2022
  • 4 replies

I bought three interrail one country3 days paper passes.

I tried to book trains via the interrail-website, but impossible to make seat reservations. Therefore I went to the station with details of the specific trains I wanted to  book. Great was my surprise that it couldn’t be booked as there were only a limited seats available for interrail passes and none were left.


Interrail doesn’t tell that sort of information when you buy the pass.

An alternative for the trains I wanted to book was not valid for us. So I want to be refunded for the passes.


Now it seems you only get 85% back for a pass you can not use. While the reason is not you but interrail. Also the rules you have to follow to get your pass paid back are unclear.

On support page I read: “ Log into your Interrail account at the top right of your screen. You can then request a refund by clicking on ‘VIEW DETAILS’ and continue via the tab ‘GO’ in the Cancellations and Refunds box. ”


I logged in to my interrail account but I don’t see a ‘ ‘VIEW DETAILS’ link there, let alone that I can click GO.


And now????

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

This is what my Interrail account looks like. (It will be 3 pictures that I have to upload one at a time. Otherwise it will not work.)


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

When I click "View details" it looks like this:


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

If I click on "Refunds and exchanges" it looks like this: In your case you should see the information relevant to you.


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

ALternative-was frueher sicher jeder Passholder wusste:

mann kann ja die normale/regionale (Ich vermute du meinst FRance-das nennt sich TER) Zuege immer nutzen-genau wie bei OeBB. Das geht langsamer, soll klar sein. mann kann sogar die app/planner auf ´ohne RES´ setzen. Vergleiche dann mal wie es geht.

Daneben : ich bin nicht sicher was OeBB bietet, aber im TGV ist es so-was hier auch schon ...zig mal gesagt worden ist:

stimmt, jede TGV hat ein klein Quota fuer passholdrr-dann zahlt mann 10€

ist dieser erschoepft, dann kann mann jeder Sitz immer noch RES zu 205-was jedoch fuer ganz kurze Strecken schon mehr ist als Fahrkarte.

Aber-alle junge passholder wollen immer das gleiche-als ob jemand das so verordnet hat-und ausserdem eminen die oft das es nach ESpanna gehen soll-das sind Auslandszuege wo es dann wieder anders zugeht(Aber mit 1 ounctry nicht zu machen)
