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Hey, :)

I have a really big Problem.

I bought a Flash sale Ticket (50 % off) a few days ago. The paymant went through, and i got i sign that i get an confirmation email. But i never get on. I only got an email, that my payment went through but no order was created because of a glitch and the refund my paymant. Until now the i didnt get the money back, because of that i could not buy another ticket at the Flash sale. It would be cool, if they fix their Problem so i can get my ticket.

I wrote them an email too, but nobody Respond.


As far as I know there is no email address connected to Interrail support.

You can send your request here and then you will have to be patient and wait for an answer. Customer support are overloaded with issues right now so you will probably have to wait for some days or more to get an answer.


The Problem is solved. :)
