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Since January 2022 I am a nomad without an adress. I'm interested in a pass but I will need to enter my country of residence, which I assume could be the adress I use as a post adress. Nevertheless I would like to visit friends and family in the same country but I would need more travel days then the outbound and inbound. Could I use another adress of someone I trust? I don't need the paper pass, only the digital one.

I would like to be able to travel a few days around my 'home country'.


Doodsimpel. It is assumed-as 99% of people adher to that, that your passpt/ID says where youre from. ONLY if you do not live in that country WITH OFFICial proof for that (to be shown when there is the occasioanl thorough check-does not happen too often) you can state that.
