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Hello, I would like to cancel my order of my pass. I checked BEFORE ordering whether the relevant trains were available for reservation (yes they were). Then I bought the pass and all of a sudden they are no longer available.

I feel slightly ripped off and hoped for a cancellation as a gesture of goodwill.

There is no possiblity beside of chatting with a bot...very bad support.

Any ideas?

Which trains exactly? Please provide origin, destination, date, departure time per train.

We can help you to get most reservations or to check an reservation free alternative, but if you want to get in touch with the customer service you can do it via this online form

We can help you to get most reservations or to check an reservation free alternative, but if you want to get in touch with the customer service you can do it via this online form

Thank you very much :)

From Frankfurt (Germany) to Paris (France) on April 15th and backwards on April 18th.

If possible to paris very early and backwards as late as possible.


Thank you too :)

From Frankfurt (Germany) to Paris (France) on April 15th and backwards on April 18th.

If possible to paris very early and backwards as late as possible.


Thank you too :)

This train can be reserved on short notice bestway directly via Deutsche Bahn.

As Interrail can only sell them as Paperreservation and becuase of that need few days in advance to book these :/
If you visit or call a DB ticket office you can get them directly on the paper or via Bahn-Tix from any DB Ticket machine with a delivery code :)

Sorry for the bad experience bud yes the reservation are against the flexibility promised :)

From Frankfurt (Germany) to Paris (France) on April 15th and backwards on April 18th.

If possible to paris very early and backwards as late as possible.

That's going to be quite hard because the Easter weekend is traditionally very busy and the TGVs to France have limited seats for passholders. Some are already fully booked (no seats left for anyone).

In addition, without logging in on the Interrail website, you can't see availability. The module does state prices, with a remark that the price may slightly change, but it does not warn at all that no seats may be left. Misleading IMO.

Domestic TGVs in France usually have better availability. I see the TGV Nacy 14:30 - Paris 16:01 still has 10€ seats and you can reach it from Frankfurt reservation-free.

To get back, I only see a TGV Paris 9:10 - Strasbourg 12:17 (also 10€) and then you can get to Frankfurt reservation-free via Saarbrücken or Appenweier.


There are also still 20€ seats on the TGV Paris Est 16:39 - Strasbourg 18:31 (book here), from where you can get to Frankfurt, arrival 23:08 (via Appenweier).

From Frankfurt (Germany) to Paris (France) on April 15th and backwards on April 18th.

If possible to paris very early and backwards as late as possible.

As Interrail can only sell them as Paperreservation and becuase of that need few days in advance to book these :/

Reservations for TGV/ICE Germany - France can be delivered via e-mail. But there's just no availability anymore for the Easter weekend.

Thank you very much guys, but that anoying. I guess we will go by car…

Have a nice week :)

I experienced a very similar situation - ie checked availability before buying the pass and then 5 minutes later after buying the pass found it wasn’t available. 

Then checked without saying I had a pass and it again says it’s available...

As detailed here


I experienced a very similar situation - ie checked availability before buying the pass and then 5 minutes later after buying the pass found it wasn’t available. 

Then checked without saying I had a pass and it again says it’s available...

If you check in the new reservations module without logging in, you're not seeing availability. You're just being shown the price without booking fee but there's no availability check. Very misleading because there's no warning.
