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Hello everybody!

can someone tell me if i won the Eurail pass i can travel only 7 days within one month, right? 

There are various types of passes-all clearly shown on main page and without more details hence impossible to tell.

It says you are from ITalia? Then you canNOT use EUrail-only INterrail.

If you mean that EU-sponsored project to dole out passes to juniors in a lotteree-I think these are for 1 full month-with just 1 trip OUT and IN in own country.

@mcadv  Discover EU the project that  provide the “lottery” passes offer two different choices it depends what @fedee11 applied for. 

The Flex  option is an Interrail 7days in a month pass 
The fixoption (you can visit two countries) with tickets value of max 256€. 

I assume  @fedee11  selected the Flex option and now have a Interrail Globalpass to travel on 7days within a period of one month. 
