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So I know how the inbound and outbound days work this is just a question about the rules. My question is does the return day have to end in my hometown.

Say I live in Southampton  UK (I don't) would it be possible to end my trip somewhere else in the UK which is not where I live as long as it keeps within the rules and in the outbound) inbound days. For example on the last day I go from Paris to Manchester instead of Paris to Southampton. Or do you have to go to your town of residence 

I can give more details if needed

There is no rules that says the outbound and/or inbound travel must to from/to a specific place. You don't even need to use an outbound/inbound travel day. 

If I'm not mistaken, this only refers to the country, and not to a city or municipality where you live.


@rvdborgt , will be able to say this with certainty.

@AnnaB is right, there are no rules as to what your departure or destination station should be when using the inbound/outbound journeys. You can choose whatever you want.

In GB the only-and as such fairly reasonable rule is- that the route taken should be a reasonable straightforward direct. As such this should be in all countries, but to sky-high fares in GB and the myriad of train companies, they seem to take it a little more strict as elsewhere. (I dont live there, but this from well-informed staff fora for UK-travels)

Thus in your case f.e. not go to MAN (or Leeds or York) first and then same day back to homey Southpt. You will have to find a ticket yourself to do later Man-Southpt.
