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I tried to buy an Interrail Eurail pass (Interrail Passen: verken Europa per trein! | for me and my friend a couple of minutes ago. I went to pay with Ideal, finished the entire thing and then got an error. (Something with ‘failed’ and ‘contact customer service’). However on Eurail's site I can't find any form of customer service except for an automatic bot that fails to answer anything at all. (sorry bot)
The 370 euros have been withdrawn from my bank account, but I haven't received the confirmation e-mail nor does my account display my pass when I log in. Does anyone know where I can get my money back, or has this happened to anyone else?

Customer service can be contacted here.

@Nanja, I really think there should be a link on the website to this form. Time and again, people fail to get past the chatbot if they need contact with a human being.

Customer service can be contacted here.

@Nanja, I really think there should be a link on the website to this form. Time and again, people fail to get past the chatbot if they need contact with a human being.

Thank you!
