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If I book/reserve a trip from North Germany to Bordeaux, can I stay one night in Karlsruhe and continue the next day, or do I have to leave Germany on the first travel day? If I get off the train on the first day already in Germany, would I have to pay seperately to get to the french border on the 2nd day and charge then my global pass for the 2nd trip (e.g. Strasbourg - Bordeaux)?

You have the right to travel in your country of residence on two travel days of your pass. On a travel day, you can use as many trains as you want or need. You can either use 1 to go out, 1 to go in; 2 to get in; or 2 to get out.

You can use two travel days to get out of the country, but then you’ll need to buy an ordinary ticket from a borderstation or border point in the return. Best keep a travel day in your home country, for what would be the most expensive ordinary tickets otherwise.

In this case you could buy your own ticket from Karlsruhe to Strasbourg, then use the pass again once you are in France.

It would mean you only use one of your home country days.

Thank you both. It helps me a lot in preparing the trips.

