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Interrail scholarship

  • 16 January 2023
  • 2 replies

Hello, I am Spanish student and I have been awarned with the Interrail scholarship, where it says to me that I have 7 days within 1 month, which I believe I can only use trains 7 days, but in the e-mail says “You can travel for a period of minimum 1 day and up to 30 days between the 1 March 2023 - 29 February 2024”, so I´m a bit confussed.

If anyone can help me I will be very pleased .)

HOla! YOU can with this pass use trenes (that accept this pass-not all trains in all countries do, like AVLO and IriYO in ES) on siete=7 dia. You can choose these days in 1 month after 1st activation day. There are also some other type of passes-at other prices, that give the buyer 5 or 10 etc. dias. It seems just a general note without looking at what type you got.

Supongo que a lo que se refieren es que puedes repartir esos 7 días de viaje en 30 días consecutivos. Si no usas un tren un día, por ejemplo al pasar dos noches en una ciudad, estarás de viaje más días que travel days que tengas.

Por ejemplo:

Día 1: Madrid-París, noche en París (travel day)

Día 2: Noche en París

Día 3: Noche en París

Día 4: Paris-Múnich (travel day)

Es un viaje para el cual usarás dos días de viaje, pero estarás de viaje cuatro días.
