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Hi guys!

To put you in context, I'm turning 18 this year and I've decided to do the Interrail as an end-of-school trip for about a month this summer (2023).  I was planning to do it with a friend who will turn 18 in April, so he shouldn't have a problem traveling because by the time summer comes he will already be an adult.  I am still 17 years old, and my birthday is in August, although I had planned to do the Interrail in June or July.  

Am I going to have any problem when traveling or do you recommend me to do it in August or September when I am already 18 years old?

I would prefer to do it in June or July even though I'm 17 but I don't know if I'm going to have a problem. Has anyone done it like this?  Many thanks!!

Interrail youth passes are available from the age of 12, so you have no problem, See T & Cs at the bottom of this page.

Why would you have problems?

Plenty of minors take trains every day to go to school, visit friends or family,... so why shouldn't you be able to travel with your friend? There's no difference. Nobody will ask questions :) 

If you need any help with your routes or reservations, feel free to ask. 

The mere Interrailing will not be a problem, but getting accommodation might be. Many youth hostels and hotels have age limits so you need to check that you get somewhere to sleep.

You also need to check if you, as minors, need permission from your guardians to cross borders. Different countries have different rules.

As AnnaB said :)

Few years back i needed when i had a minor in the Group atleast a General Holiday permission from the guardians 🙂 Especially Hotels/Hostels asked for them 😕 and i had some struggles with Italian Police as they were quite strict 🙂 Some Countries have these strict rules to prevent “kidnapping” of minors. e.g. In italy we needed the permission of 2 guardians not just one :/

Here is some information regarding minors travelling alone.


Quite possible I was also still 17 when making my 1st long internat trip by train-long before Schengen came- but the major stumbleblock as above also points out will be find a place to sleep in some countries far worse as others.

Thank you guys for all your answers!

I was kinda worried because I didn’t know if I could travel on my own or with a friend if I was a minor, but thankfully as my friend will be 18 by the time the trip comes, we shouldn’t have any problems as he could be the one who can make the hostels reservations and all that stuff. I would also make sure I get the permission from both of my parents as you said to try and don’t have any issues with police in any country 😅.

Thank you!!


Thank you guys for all your answers!

I was kinda worried because I didn’t know if I could travel on my own or with a friend if I was a minor, but thankfully as my friend will be 18 by the time the trip comes, we shouldn’t have any problems as he could be the one who can make the hostels reservations and all that stuff.



Even if your friend will be over 18, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be allowed to stay in the accommodation. You need to check with the places where you want to stay.
