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i live in France but Germany is my country of residence. Next week I want to visit my family in Germany for three weeks. Is it possible to take the one-country-pass and to inverse the inbound and outbound day for my travel?

Thanks for your answers 🙂 If one of you like to answer in French or German, go for it :)

You have no outbound and inbound travel days for a one country pass. The outbound/inbound rule is only valid for global passes.

thank you for your answer.

But for le one country passe you have to leave and return to your country of residence. In my case, i would do the opposite ( i go to germany which is my country of residence and at the end of my holidays I return to France.)

One country passes are only valid in ONE COUNTRY. Travel from/to your home country are NOT  included. 

Do you have a One country France? One country Germany (official name: German Rail Pass) can't be booked from you, because you are german.

AND can also NOT be used in the country where you state to live. In fact DB has made this offer now as a German Rail Pass-just google and read.

As you may know-a bit slower and less comfortable-but til 31/8 its only 9€ for a month for all Nahverkehr-incl bustramUbahn etc. here in DE.

thank you for your answer.

But for le one country passe you have to leave and return to your country of residence. In my case, i would do the opposite ( i go to germany which is my country of residence and at the end of my holidays I return to France.)

You need to buy an ordinary ticket for travel to/from the country if you have a one country pass.

And you can’t buy a one country pass for your country of residence. 

You can use the 9 EUR ticket on all regional trains and public transportation in Germany during the summer.

Thanks all!

You can use the one country pass in your own country, but only twice (one time to left and one time to return) look, this is a copy of the official site:


Mit einem Interrail Global Pass kannst du an einem Reisetag aus deinem Wohnsitzland ausreisen (Hinfahrt) und an einem Reisetag zurückreisen (Rückfahrt). Diese Fahrten in deinem Land sind an beliebigen Reisetagen möglich, an denen dein Pass gültig ist. Hier findest du weitere Infos zu Reisen in deinem eigenen Land.


If you have an Interrail Global Pass, you can travel on one travel day to leave your country of residence (outbound) and on one travel day to return (inbound). You can use these journeys in your country during travel days at any point in your Pass’ validity. Read more about travel in your own country.


I want to take a France rail pass (because my country of residence is Germany) to go to my family and then return to France to work 🙂 You know what I mean now?

I want to add that I live in France since six years but I don’t have the nationality yet. So officially i am German but i live in France

Thanks all!

You can use the one country pass in your own country, but only twice (one time to left and one time to return) look, this is a copy of the official site:


Mit einem Interrail Global Pass kannst du an einem Reisetag aus deinem Wohnsitzland ausreisen (Hinfahrt) und an einem Reisetag zurückreisen (Rückfahrt). Diese Fahrten in deinem Land sind an beliebigen Reisetagen möglich, an denen dein Pass gültig ist. Hier findest du weitere Infos zu Reisen in deinem eigenen Land.


If you have an Interrail Global Pass, you can travel on one travel day to leave your country of residence (outbound) and on one travel day to return (inbound). You can use these journeys in your country during travel days at any point in your Pass’ validity. Read more about travel in your own country.


I want to take a France rail pass (because my country of residence is Germany) to go to my family and then return to France to work 🙂 You know what I mean now?

So yes, you are right, i can’t take the France rail pass if i want to travel in Germany. What I noted is valide for the global Pass. So I have the same problem taking this pass. I want first go to my country of residence and not leave it 😕 sorry for my english

I want to add that I live in France since six years but I don’t have the nationality yet. So officially i am German but i live in France

Was aussagt das du in Frankreich lebst und somit Frankreich als Country of Residence “Homecountry” nehmen kannst (Nachweise erforderlich). Mit deinem deutschen Pass könntest du auch auch Deutschland als “HomeCountry” wählen. In der realität erwarten die “Schaffner” das du einen Pass oder ausweis hast aus dem “Homecountry” das auf dem Pass steht aber offiziell ist das nicht nötig du brauchst nur plausible beweise das du in jenem Land lebst. 

Du brauchst um die Inbound/Outbound regel zunutzen auf alle Fälle einen Globalpass (beachte in Frankreich kommen noch reservierungen für den TGV dazu) welches land du am Ende wählst ist dir Überlassen Frankreich (mit nachweisen) oder Deutschland (mit deinem Personalausweis oder Pass). 

Ein OneCountrypass gilt nur in dem Land für das er ausgestellt ist (keine Anreise/Abreise inkludiert). Sonst könnte ich ja einen OneCountrypass Bulgarien kaufen und denn von Deutschland den ganzen weg relativ günstig als “Anreise” hinunter fahren :D 
