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Is the continuous pass also a mobile pass?

Hi, two friends and I and going to travel around Germany in July for two weeks and are looking at the different interrail passes. We'd like a mobile one as it will be alot more convenient for us, so the obvious choice was the Germany 10 days travel in a month pass which says it's a mobile pass, however now there's a sale on the continuous passes it makes more sense to go for the 1 month continuous pass as it is cheaper and offers more flexibility but it doesn't say if it's a mobile pass, can anyone help?



2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

The passes are available on paper as well as mobile.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

NOTE save a lot of money. Most likely In jun-jul+aug there will be a MONTHly pass for just 9€ for ALL NAHverkehr in DE=NOT the sleek white fast IC/ICE, but incl. bustrammetro. Later final details from 20/5.
