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Is the unlimted pass good for all trains across Europe?

  • 17 August 2022
  • 3 replies

Hello Friends. 

I am travelling to Europe this fall with my wife and 4 kids (8, 10, 11, 14). We have plans to visit England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Spain. 

My question is, does the Unlimited pass work on all trains? I know some trains will require a reservation but I want to know if it will work on all trains, or just some. 

For example, we are spending 10 days in Holland and would like to use the pass to travel around the country between the major cities (Amsterdam, Delft, Utrech, Harlem, De Hagg, etc). Will the unlimited pass work for this? 

The pass wil work on 99% of the trains. Check the country pages for details. In the Netherlands, you should be able to use it on all trains.

In general: It's valid on most trains, but not on all.


For instance, in France you can't use SNCFs Ouigo trains. In Italy, you can't use italo highspeed trains. In Croatia, you can't use Regiojet to Praha. In Poland, there are many regional trains excluded. And so on...


You'll find a list which train companies are participating here:

The MAJOR stumbleblock will be the need to RES in some countries-mostly ESpana, also those FRench TGV-these are more a hurdle as what trains you can use.

But yes, as hektor says: it varies and indeed in some countries quite a lot of LOCAL trains are barred. Mostly PL, RO, CZ. And in other countries-ES, IT they have also competing other fast-trains-there are also except
