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Dear friends,


Is there any limitation on inbound/outbound to home country in eurail global pass???

Can we change interail to eurail???

No there is not such limitation on Eurailpasses 🙂 as the pass is for non Europeans :)

If you have a foreign non European Passport (out of the Interrail area) then you should be able to book a Eurailpass :)
Interrail is mostly for Europeans (and some other Countries like Marocco or Russia they are able to book Interrail too even if the pass is not valid in these Countries)
If you can exchange a already booked Interrailpass to a Eurailpass is quite difficult but i guess it´s not possible :/

But @Nanja  or @Leo  maybe can give a confirmed answer :)

Hi Amin, Seewulf is right. Only Interrail Passes have the inbound/outbound rule. If you have a non-European passport, you can also go for the Eurail Pass. In that case, you can just exchange your Interrail for a Eurail Pass, following our exchange policy. I trust this answers your question. Cheers, 
