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Today when me and my friend were in Nice at the train station Nice Ville something perculiar happened to my eurail app. We were there one hour before the departure to Ventimiglia. And for the fun of it I was just going to take up my phone and check that I added the trip to Ventimiglia on the app. But when I checked my phone, my global pass was absolutely gone. Thankfully I could solve the situation before our departure by deleting and reinstalling the app and also by "re-adding" my global pass. So to the sole purpose of my question, does anyone know why this even happened in the first place? Cause if I wouldn't have fortunately had wifi to reinstall the app, we more or less would have been stranded there which doesn't really seem fair... /Albin 

There have been on this site several same-same reports from people-many much more anxious as you show and it seemed that this was yet another glitch due to some system-update. Most later reported with sigh of relief it had been solved-just as you do.
