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Hi everyone,

My bag with my passport got stolen on the Zurich-Ljubljana night train.

I have contacted my embassy for an emergency passport to travel, but then the number on my passport won't match with the number on my global pass in the app.

Will this be a big problem? And if so, how can I solve it? I have contacted customer support but haven't received an answer yet.

Thanks in advance!

Make sure you report it to the police and have them mention your pass number in their report, so you have something to show.

Did you use the form below to contact Customer Support? Did you write that you are currently travelling?

Do you have any other ID with you? Do you have a copy of the police report where you reported the theft?

Hi Anna,

Thank you for your fast reply!

I have contacted interrail via the form yes, but no reply yet.

I don't have another valid ID with me, just my drivers license. I do have a copy of the police report though and a picture of my passport.

I don't have another valid ID with me, just my drivers license. I do have a copy of the police report though and a picture of my passport.

I would guess that you should be fine with a copy of the police report and a copy of your passport. There's really nothing more that you can do right now.

Once you get your emergency passport you can hopefully get Customer Support to change the ID for you, if they can make a change to an active pass.

Thanks Anna and rvdborgt!

In the meantime I am in contact with customer support, so it should be alright.

If its not on time though I hope the copies of the police report and passport will be enough.

