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Hi, is my first time to travel to europe.

What is more convenient for 3 trips that need to do with my wife (London-Paris, Paris-Zurich, Barcelona-Madrid)?:

• Buy a pass (Eurail) for these 3 trips or buy 3 ticket separated?

• Where is more conevenient to buy (what website)?

• Is necesary to buy seat reserve beside the ticket or the ticket include this reserve?

What is cheaper will depend on fares available. But normal tickets will probably be cheaper than a pass plus reservations. You can compare yourself.

You can buy tickets for these 3 tickets from a lot of sites, e.g. and others.

If you buy normal tickets, seats reservations are included. If you use a Eurail pass, you will need to book seat reservations (prices here), since these are mandatory for these 3 trains.

The Es sector, B to M, also now has cheaper low-cost trains, that would not take any passes-only sold tickets. These are named AVLO=spanish or Oui-GO (FRench TGV).
The normal trains are superfast AVE from RENFE.

Muchísimas gracias, thanks for your help.
