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Hello, the railplanner app doesnt let her save a journey. It disappears every time

What do we do?

Does she have an IPhone? Has she added a journey manually?

In that case there is a bug. So don't add a journey manually to an IPhone. 

The best way to contact Customer Support is through this form and say that you are currently travelling and need immediate help.


@AnnaB yes she has an iphone. She havent added anything manually. We try to add the journey from the app but everytime it disappears from the ’my trip’ page.

And she cant view the ticket 

Has she added the pass to the app?

Has she followed the instructions in the guide for the mobile pass?


@AnnaB yes to all of the above. How long does it take to interrail people to get in touch, we sent an email to them. But this is a real problem. Now she cant add jouneys or the tickets will not show up.


@seewulf @rvdborgt Any ideas what the problem could be?

@AnnaB yes to all of the above. How long does it take to interrail people to get in touch, we sent an email to them. But this is a real problem. Now she cant add jouneys or the tickets will not show up.

@aino Did you fill in the form for Customer Support that I added a link to? Did you clearly write that you are currently travelling and that you need immediate help to continue travelling?

Hi, I see that our customer service replied to you already but that you haven't answered yet. Did you check your spams? Cheers,

Have you checked if there are app updates? Go to More and scroll to the bottom. The app version should be 23.3.0. If not, please update it and try again.

If that doesn't help, then go to More > Settings, scroll to the bottom and enable error logging. This won't solve the problem but will help customer support.

As to a workaround:

Is this a continuous pass or a flexipass (i.e. X days in 1/2 months)?

In case of a continuous pass, you can always show that you have activated your pass and what the validity period is and that saving a journey does not work correctly.

In case of a flexipass: are you able to activate a new travel day? Does it work to go straight to My Trip after adding a journey from the planner and then immediately add it to My Pass?

@Marion hi, we checked spams too and she didnt notice any messages from the support team.

If you sign in here you should be able to see the request. Use the email that you entered when making the request.

Click on "Sign in" in the top right corner. You need to create a pass word first.

