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Can somebody help me, please?

We have bought three passes and planned to travel as a family from Prague to Portugal and back, leaving tomorrow. On Monday I wanted to load the passes in my App (I need to have all three passes in my phone) but all I get is the ´Something went wrong´ message.

I am online, have Android 6.0.1, the latest version of the App (24.1.0), I´ve tried about 15 times since Monday but keep getting the same message. I enabled error logging and contacted customer service on Monday, receiving an automatic reply that they will try (!) to deal with it in two days. They haven´t answered yet.

I don´t know what to do .. we have booked all our accomodation, I have seat reservations (had to go to Germany to get the Spanish seat reservations) … it´s very frustrating. We might be able to postpone the first train and leave on Friday July 15 at 5:30 am at the latest, but no more changes are possible as we´ll be on the move 14 days out of 16.

Do you think I should get another Android phone and that it might work? This was meant to be a once in a lifetime trip but now it´s more of a nightmare.


First, check this article:

If that doesn't help, then also send your device ID to customer service:

Important: you must let customer service know when your trip will start. Mention the exact date. It is not enough to say your problem is urgent.

It is very well possible that activation works on another phone.

@rvdborgt Any ideas?

Thanks to both of you.

I read the article, my phone had been set as mentioned, so this didn´t fix the problem.

I´ll get another phone and if it doesn´t work I´ll get in touch with the customer service as per above.

Can you post screen shots of the problem? Remove all personal details. 

What is the error message?

Problem solved, meaning I got a new phone and the app loaded all three passes easily. Thanks for your suggestions, really, as I was freaking out.

What I still don´t understand though is why it didn´t work with the first phone:-/
