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Hi all!

Next week I'm going to travel Eastern Europe for a couple of weeks. Some of them, for instance Budapest to Bucharest will be night trains. I've interrailled before, but never with a mobile pass. So I was wondering, how does ticket inspection with a mobile pass during night trains work? Normally you give your paper pass to the inspector, but I hope you don't have to give your mobile phone to them,  anybody has experience with this? 😉


Thank you very much in advance!

yeah and the answer is not the best :/

I´ve traveled with a group that had the mobile pass and they were woken up at each change of staff 😕 In the case of Budpaest - Bucharest no big problem as the staff change at the border and you are awake because of the passport control 🙂 but for example Berlin - Budapest is quite hard 😕 First the german than the polish , Czech , Slovakian and finally the Hungarian one. Sometimes only the first conductor checked the mobile pass and all others just stamped the paper reservation
