
no help from interrail


Hello, I have a big problem, I had a technical problem to activate my pass. Now since one week I ask Interrail to help me, because my pass now is not valid anymore. I can’t aktivate it or do something. Interrail said they want to help me, but they only sending email like a chat bot. There is no help at all. Now I’m losing my money 400€, and can’t go trevel with my son because he aktivate his pass.  

help please! 


Best answer by Mukhammad 17 April 2023, 15:31

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31 replies

Userlevel 7
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Exactly what is your problem?

Please post a screenshot of your pass with information about the validity, but remove all personal information. 




There was a technical problem. In that pass they write “nach dem 11.4.” This means after that date. And now I can’t activate it anymore. They should write “bis zum 11.4.” It means till this date. I don’t understand why thy can’t fix this technical problem, it’s now one week. 

Userlevel 7
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It looks like they're working on it, so it's not that they don't want to help.

Do you want to travel soon? If so, did you mention the date when you want to start your trip? Customer support needs concrete information, so they can prioritise correctly.

Is it correct that the screenshot is from the confirmation email? That translation is incorrect indeed, possibly caused by the translator having no context for translating "Activate by date”.

@Camilo. @Mukhammad: By when will a solution be proposed for the technical problems mentioned in customer support's reply? It sounds like many people are affected, who can't travel right now. It may also be useful to create a KB article about it.


The problem is I wanted to start On 14.4. with my son and he activated his pass on the 11.4. So now he lost time and also me. I can’t understand why it takes so long to help me. 

Userlevel 7
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The problem is I wanted to start On 14.4. with my son and he activated his pass on the 11.4. So now he lost time and also me. I can’t understand why it takes so long to help me. 

Does customer support know that you already wanted to start?

I agree there should be a quicker solution for this. Within one week that should certainly have been possible.


Yes I explained it to them, they said it will be fixed soon, but there is no update and I don’t get it, that it takes so long. 

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@Camilo. @Mukhammad Can you please look into this?


Thank you for your respond, at the moment I am really lost and there is no email from interrail. 


Somebody look that up? @Camilo. @Mukhammad 

Userlevel 7
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Somebody look that up? @Camilo. @Mukhammad 

@Biggi The moderators of the group are not working every day.


It’s a big problem for me right now, the support also did not answer, what can I do now? 


@AnnaB you now how to reach someone from interrail, is email the only possibility??? 



Userlevel 7
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Interrail/Eurail are working on your request. Contacting them over and over again will not give you quicker help, but I understand that you are frustrated.

You can check for your request if you log into the request database.



Sorry to say but I would not try it again and again, if I would get any reactions, an update or something. Can’t be real that this problem take so long, I saw in the other topics that other costumers have the same problem. So there should be a solution. Sorry but I hope you understand me, there are hotels booked and the time is against me. I am sure you understand that!


@AnnaB @rvdborgt 

Userlevel 7
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Sorry to say but I would not try it again and again, if I would get any reactions, an update or something.

Sending new mails or creating new support requests only makes the support queue longer and increases the time they need. It's a better idea to look at your existing support request (as AnnaB already suggested) and post a reply in there, either via the support portal or by replying to a mail from the support portal.

Can’t be real that this problem take so long, I saw in the other topics that other costumers have the same problem. So there should be a solution. Sorry but I hope you understand me, there are hotels booked and the time is against me. I am sure you understand that!

Sure I understand. But I don't work for Interrail and I can't solve your problem. The same is true for AnnaB.

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@AnnaB @rvdborgt 

As said, you will not get a resolution any quicker by posting the same thing repeatedly. The two people you have tagged are just community members, they are not Eurail staff and have no ability to assist you with this.


And who are you? Who is working for interrail? I startet an new topic because no one is helping. 
sorry to say. 





how long should I wait, when I should get an fast solution as interrail in his email said. 


This is the last answer I get and it’s three days old, how is this possible. 

Userlevel 7
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@Biggi What date did you buy your pass and what date did you first try to activate the pass?


My credit card said 12.5.22. I tried to activated on 11.4. but It did not work. So my son tried it again. But then it said it don’t work contact the support. 

Userlevel 7
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Ok. On the confirmation email that you got from Interrail there should be information about the last activation date.

When the activation doesn't work the problem is usually that you not are enterring the information from the confirmation email in the exact same way in the Railplanner app. There can be an unvisible space at the end or a mix of upper and lower case letters.
