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I planned my journey today from Barcelona to my country, the Netherlands. I got the option if I was certain if I wanted to use my last inbound journey, which I agreed to.

After the first train, I got stuck which meant I couldn't take the original train over the border to the Netherlands anymore. I had to book a different route, but now I can't activate my journey since it says I have no travels left.

I tried to delete the original journey, but this had no effect. Has others had this, and what do I do if they check my interrail ticket? 

Only now I saw the option that I could cancel my inbound journey - however my original train left 50 minutes ago, which means "the journey is in the past". This is I think very weird and should be perhaps communicated more clearly.

The best is never to activate anything in advance because you never know what will happen. This is true for the pass, for travel days but also for inbound/outbound journeys.

Nevertheless, the railways are responsible to get you home without extra costs. If you get stranded, they have to provide overnight accommodation and a ticket for the next day. Speak to the staff on your train and ask them what you should do or where to get assistance.
