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hi, I have a question about outbound/inbound trips.

I have a ticket with unlimited travel on all public transportation in my home country of Austria. So I really only use interrail for the portions of a journey that starts at the border. It seems I can't configure the rail planner app to acknowledge this. Whenever a trip travels through Austria, it demands I use the outbound/inbound slot.

I can work around the issue on routes where there is a proper train station on the border where my trains actually call. ie: Viennna to Berlin on ICE will call at Passau which is technically in Germany but our Austrian flat rate tickets are valid up to Passau, so I’d add Passau to Berlin to my interrail trip.

Is there no better way to do this?

On routes where the train I want to travel on doesn’t make a stop at the edge of the zone of validity of my ticket it seems I can’t technically persuade the app to NOT use outbound/inbound segments, even though I am entitled to unlimited travel in my home country.

The app doesn’t know that you have a Ticket (presumably Klimaticket Ö) for Austria. 

Grenztarifpunkt – Wikipedia there you find all ticket border points of Austria. Please note, that some times the Klimaticket Ö is valid more than that, it depends from the local Verkehrsverbund. Like with Österreichcard you can only travel till Lindau Reutin, but with Klimaticket Ö till Lindau Insel. Same things in Salzburg area or in Ausserfern. 

Regiojet (not cd/ÖBB Railjet) to Prague or Budapest accept Klimaticket till Breclav and Hegyeshalom and not till the border tariff point like ÖBB. 

Salzburg is a border station, from there it is for the train tariff Germany, but the app has it as Austrian station. You need to add manually the trip in the app and put the station as Germany. But do not do this with an iPhone, because there is a bug. 

The better way was to buy a paper pass and not a mobile pass. 

Be aware. When the train doesnt stop at where your austrian tickets validity ends, you need your inbound/outbound day!

I dont know if this is the case somehwere in Austria, but you stated something in this direction...

Be aware. When the train doesnt stop at where your austrian tickets validity ends, you need your inbound/outbound day!

I dont know if this is the case somehwere in Austria, but you stated something in this direction...

it depends from border to border. Between local Verkersverbünde you have to pay from the last station. For international borders from the border station or the virtual border tariff point. Some times you can use with Klimaticket Ö some lines also outhside Austria because they are part of the local Verkehrsverbund, like at Salzburg-Freilassing (only some trains and busses) or to the first station in Italy (Tarvisio, Innichen, Brenner). 

thanks for all your quick replies. they confirm what I was expecting. it’s a pity the mobile pass can’t recognize existing tickets for home (or third) country travel. 

Be aware. When the train doesnt stop at where your austrian tickets validity ends, you need your inbound/outbound day!

What do you mean? Can you give an example?

If you have a ticket that covers all of Austria and an Interrail, you never need inbound/outbound journeys. You can always add a manual journey when the border tariff point is a virtual one not in a station.
