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hi everyone, hope everething goes fine.


I bought my global pass yesterday and i realized that i only wrote my first last name because the other was too long, however ¿Is there a problem with that? i wrote my name and first lastname as my passport.


could you guys can help me about this.


Thanks a lot.


If it is the same as your passport then there will be no problem with it.

This is only something for ESpanoles-as long as the NR of ID/pasaporte is same, no hay problemas. It is in fact quite rare that they check all that-I had a 10D in 2 M pass in may/june and not once it was done.

This is only something for ESpanoles-

Not really. Double surnames are also common in Portugal. And I've seen some examples in the Netherlands too (and the bearer wasn't a married woman). The problem is not so much that there are 2 surnames but that the surname field sometimes doesn't have enough space.
