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I don't know how inbound and outbound work in combination with travel days.. I have an interrail paper pass and I will write down all my travels in there.

My journey will be starting in Germany (home country). On one day I will go from my home town to Munich and the next day from Munich to Rome (1 change in Italy). If I drive with another ticket to Munich... Is Munich->Rome my outbound-journey? Or is this the first travel day?

Going home I will start in Neapel, change in Venice to a Night Train and then again to Munich and from there to my hometown. Is the complete journey my Inbound?

You would need to use a separate ticket for 2 of those days, you can only travel in your home country on 2 of your pass days.

@Al_G I am not sure if I got it right..

If I buy seperate tickets from my home to Munich, can I use Munich->Bozen->Rome as Outbound und Neapel->Venice->Munich as Inbound ? 

Inbound/Outbound are just 2 days within your pass validity that you can travel in your home country as well as the rest of Europe, what you are suggesting fits in with this.

A day is 00.01 to 23.59 with any train scheduled to start by 23.59 being allowed for it’s full journey as part of the first day.

Dafür gibt es ein Sonderfeld innen im Umsclag-oben auf des Reise-Journal.

Du musst also ENTW am gleichen Tag ab M bis wenigstens Kufstein fahren-ODER wenn nicht möglich-Tag 2 ein Sonderkarte-oder im NV vorab zu Kufs fahren mit das 9€-was du wiohl sicher auch hast?

Ausserdem ist für JEDE Fahrt im EC bis IN IT noch 10€ Zuschlag zu zahlen-tust du das vorab am DB-Schalterk kann die Sitrz RES dabei gleich kommen

Danke @mcadv 
