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I have an issue. I got the global pass and I have already bought seats for my initial outbound journey, through interrail website. It seemed fine, but when I enter this travel in the railplanner app, even though it is one trip with one transfer, it is displayed as several trips.

The thing is: I start my journey on August 21st, but the second train of the day (a night train) is at 0:30 AM (so August 22nd), and the departure of this final train is still in my country of residence.

So which date am I supposed to set as my ‘outbound journey’? 21 or 22? Or am I just not supposed to be able to do this trip, despite interrail allowing me to book it in the first place?

(If I understood correctly what I read on the website, if the night train had departed 31 min earlier, not only I would not have an issue on the outbound journey date, but this would also have counted as just 1 travel day ...)

To sum up:

August 21st : France → France (transfer time)

August 22nd : France (0:30 AM) → Austria

More exact details would have been much more helpful for you, now it remains guessing.

It is as such NOT possible to do on 1 travelday-on the mobile app 2 days will be charged automatically.

There have been several remarks/complaints/questions about exactly same (and 99% from young Germans) so there is more info on those.

That journey will use both your outbound and your inbound travel day as you change trains after midnight CET.

What you can to is to purchase a normal ticket for your first trip in France. Otherwise you will have to purchase a normal ticket from the French border to your home when you return as you already have used  both your travel days in France when leaving. 

Hello mcadv.
I’m not sure I understand. If we forget the app side of the issue, is my travel allowed by the interrail global pass or not?

Can I do:

August 21st : Dijon (France) → Strasbourg (France)

followed by

August 22nd : Strasbourg (France) → Linz (Austria)

while being resident of France?

When I booked the trip on interrail, I set Dijon → Linz and it suggested this trip.

I’m okay with 2 travel days being charged, but If I understood correctly, we can only set 1 date as the ‘outbound date’, so I don’t know if this is allowed at all, and if it is, which date I am supposed to set as the outbound date (21 or 22)


edit: oops, answered before seeing AnnaB’s answer. 
Thanks Anna. So this is really a shame as this all happens because of a 31 min delay… Also the main advantage of the global pass was for these 2 trips, as trains in Austria are not really expensive. So if I have to book the train in France myself, the pass will end up not being profitable…

I guess I’ll try to cancel everything, but this might be even more expensive :(

You could catch the Nighttrain already in Paris (board before midnight 🙂 )
Or cross the border from Strassbourg via Offenburg to Karlsruhe with regionaltrains and catch the Nightjet to Linz in Karlsruhe.

Yes, we initially wanted to take the nighttrain in Paris on Friday but it is unfortunately unavailable. And when we checked for Sunday, the change in Paris between the 2 train stations (you must take the subway and stuff), seemed a bit short, and train in France arent really reliable about their schedule… that’s why we choose the Strasbourg option. Without knowing this stuff about the outbound date :(

