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is there any option for a physical ticket?
for those with conscientious objections to the obscene absurd techtyranny which most ppl seem complacent with?
there seems no way to ask
or get answered as a sentient indivudual person now.
take care God speed

i dont have a “”smart””””””””””” phone

wold i then be barred?


Paper passes are available, they can be bought online (you will have to engage with the techtyrany for that) or in person in some rail stations in a small number of countries, Germany for instance.

I agree with Mike…….

Why are we such slaves to Smartphones????


My partner and I prefer ’Ye Olde Paper Pass’!!!!



In that UK/GB are assumed also still a very few agencies that also handle trainbookings and can on request stil supply an old style ppr pass- I recall FFestiniog travel there may be others. Seat61 as always has more info (I am not GB). They will also send out much quicker as EUrail itself can do and for lower postage, as its inland.
