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Paper receipt for a Mobile pass

  • 18 June 2022
  • 3 replies

Good afternoon,

I plan to get a Mobile Pass for a trip in the late August. It seems that the shipping of a paper version of the pass will be very late. I need to have a paper justificative to be reimbursed by my employer. Does anyone know whether it is possible to have such document after having bought a Mobile Pass?

Thank you very much

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

The Invoice from Interrail/Eurail should be enough to get reimbursement. You should have received the Invoice by mail. The invoice should also be possible to print from your Interrail/Eurail account.

In case, is somewhere a fac-simile of this invoice to show to my secretaries? In the last months they are becoming more annoying…

Thanks anyway

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

NO-such old-fashioned things are from a century ago.

As above: EUrail etc is based in NL and there its law since just after war that the ticket is the receipt-and as above-there is clear possibility to print it out. I dk if it has all the anti-corruption/tax-evasion etc digits and figures that Italians are so fond of.
