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Dear all,

I need urgently a staff to transfer my passes on my broken phone to another one. I am travelling now and cannot access to the app.

Best regards,

Delil Murat

Contact customer support ASAP. Mention you are travelling right now and give them the pass number (from the confirmation mail) that needs to be moved to another device.


Already contacted the customer service but no answer. I am travelling now and need to get out from the train but once showed the passes. Need someone help me urgently.

Best regards,

Delil Murat

Still waiting an answer from a staff

@Marion @Magdalena @Felipe.iturrieta could you flag this to support?

@delil murat did you include the information I mentioned in your request to support? It is not enough to say your problem is urgent (people have very different opinions about what that means) and they need the pass number.



Solved on my own. Customer service too difficult to reach.

Best regards,




Solved on my own. Customer service too difficult to reach.

Best regards,


How did you do that?
