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Hi, I just started my journey, I am currently on a train. Just when my ticket was about to be checked, I opened the app and my pass was not there. I re-added it successfully but as I did that, my old trip was somehow disconnected from my pass and a new one was connected. On the new pass, I cannot add an outbound journey for some reason. 

The journey above is empty as you can see. The date on both is July 19. I need to set this as my outbound journey because otherwise, I will have a travel day less. Also when I add more journeys to this day, some of the previous ones get deleted. Please help me with this as soon as possible, i'm on a train in the middle of nowhere by myself and I cannot reach anyone from interrail. Help within 2 business days is really not fast enough

Hi Johanka, please provide me with your ordernumber and email address via a private message so that we can assist you further. Thanks

