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Hi, i buy two global pass but, due to the covid, i never used or acetivated them. They are valid until august 2022 but in i now try to enter them in the app, it won’t let me. I get a message that says to check the code and that it is a mobile pass and a not a paper one. I’m sure everything is correct. Thanks for the help.

In which of the 3 activation steps is this?

Ah the beginning, when you have to enter last name and code to activate the pass 

Are you using the exact same last name and pass number from the confirmation e-mail? Make sure there are no spaces added etc.

If you are indeed using the exact last name and pass number from the conformation mail, and it stil doesn't work, then:

  1. Please enable error logging via More > Settings (scroll to the bottom).
  2. Try it one more time, so logs are generated.
  3. Contact customer service and mention when you need to travel.
