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Problems with 'My Trip' on the mobile pass

Hi, I’m a first time user and am having problems with the mobile app.

I add the first three trains to ‘My Trip’.

They appear as a list - so far so good.

However if I close the app and come back to it later -

When I press ‘My Trip’ only one of the previously entered trains appears.

Press ‘My Trip’ again and a different random train from the previously entered trains appears.

I can’t get the whole list to appear.

This has a knock on effect when I try adding the trains to ‘My Pass’

Only one random train appears on the ticket!

Has anyone else had this problem - am I doing something wrong?

Using iPhone X, software 15.4, Interrail app version 23.0.0

Many thanks

This sounds a bit like another problem also posted today:

Was there a recent app update for iPhone? I'm on Android and I have version 22.0.1 and there's no update available.

Do contact customer service and provide as many details as you can.

Hi, a ticket has been submitted to IT so the issue will be investigated. I will keep you updated. 

Please keep me updated as I am also having this issue, and I need my tickets to travel tomorrow! I also am using the 23.0.0 version on iPhone. 

Same issue here, same version. Travelling very soon and getting worried 😰

Same here 

I also have this problem

Hi all, unfortunately there is no solution yet. I kindly ask you to all submit a ticket via this form (if not already done), so that we have all your information. The ones travelling now will be prioritized and assisted first. Also go the more menu in the app → settings (in top corner) → scroll down and enable error logging. This way we'll receive your individual phone data to assist you. 

Hi all, unfortunately there is no solution yet. I kindly ask you to all submit a ticket via this form (if not already done), so that we have all your information. The ones travelling now will be prioritized and assisted first. Also go the more menu in the app → settings (in top corner) → scroll down and enable error logging. This way we'll receive your individual phone data to assist you. 

Thank you, @Nanja . I logged a ticket yesterday under the category Technical Issues - how can I be sure it’s been put in the queue for this particular problem together with other similar tickets?

Also, the confirmation email I received says to enable error logging (which I had already done) and also ‘ ...if the problem persists, please click the button "Export and Send"- this will allow the App to send any available error information to our system ‘. Now, this problem doesn’t present an ‘error’ as such. The journeys just appear and disappear. I can’t see any buttons to “export and send”, so how do I send the information? Can you still see my phone data?


Hi Greyer, that's right. I can assure you it is added to the bucket, together with similar tickets, to this particular issue. 
That is the old instruction on error logging. Now, when you are enabling the error log, you do not have to click export & send anymore, as they are automatically send to us. This way we can automatically read the data, instead of getting back and forth (which was taking more time). So we can indeed see your phone data.
We will have it adjusted in the confirmation email as soon as possible to avoid confusion. 

Same problem for me. 

Update: the 23.0.1 version with the fix has been released on Saturday. If you have contacted our Customer Support team as instructed, you should have been informed individually on Saturday already. If not done so, please update the App to continue with the trip planning. Cheers,

Selected Trip do not appear on my Pass appear it on the travel day on my Pass.
