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Hi, I would like to refund my two one country passes but on the interrail web site it’s written:”You currently have no orders eligible for a refund”. Why?

Are you sure it said “refund”.  I just got a refund, in fact I came to this site to complement Eurail on the process.  I first thought they were telling me I couldn’t get refunded, but when I looked below in the box where my tickets showed up, it did tell be they were refundable.

The reason I was going to post was to let people know that my bank notified me of a pending refund within five minutes of executing the request--nobody it that fast, very impressed.

Anyway, if you haven't already, go back and make sure you read it correctly--hope it’s the same as it was for me--just a bit confusing.  Good Luck

Hi, you should get in touch with our Customer Support team as they can look into the details of your order, but I see you already did. They will get back to your message this morning, at the soonest possible time. 

Hello, I have the same problem than Amalia, I want to get refunded because my travel planning has changed but on the website it says I'm not eligible for refund… How can I contact a real person in the Customer Service I always end up speaking to bots...?

I have the same problem :(


Hi @Maryline Misselyn and @sarahentunen, it seems I've missed both of your comments. Sorry about that. Have you been able to get assistance from our Customer Support in the meantime? If not, do let me know, so that we can get this sorted for you. Cheers, 

Hello, thank u for your response, I have send an email via the Chatbot of the website but I have to wait a few more days to have an answer apparently (up to 7 days).

Hi Maryline, can you provide me with your email address and order number via private message? I will then look into it for you. 
