Requirements for Spain trip with Eurail (type of Pass, documents)

  • 13 June 2022
  • 4 replies

Below is the itinerary for 4 United States (60+) seniors in September 2022.

I am reasonably certain that I need a Eurail pass for 4 seniors 3 days within 1 month - $1077.  Correct?

Below is the itinerary.

What IDs do I need to order this pass?  Passports?  Driver licenses?

How do I make reservations and tickets for the 4 seniors (and 3 destinations)?

Thank you.

22    Madrid to Barcelona    High speed train
23    Barcelona   
24    Barcelona   
25    Barcelona to Granada    Air
26    Granada   
27    Granada   
28    Granada to Seville        Train
29    Seville   
30    Seville   
1      Seville to Madrid            Train

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

You do not NEED  a pass-and in fact it will make life miserable due to the nasty way to get the needed REServations on RENFE=main ESpana state train operator.

You for only IN ESpana could use just the cheaper 1-country pass if still inclined.

RENFE ALso sells its own passes=virtual online only (google is still there), these include the fee for REServ.

Any normal mainstream forum always tells people like you to simply book advance online-or even check how cheap airfare can be-this of course means you are tied to those dates/times.

From M→ B there are now also 2 competing and non-pass taking lo-cost trains; AVLO and OuiGO, will have lower fares.

PS-if you visit from USA and have not yet booked airfare: also search for open jaw (fly to A, return from B) to cut out 1 unneeded rather long trip).

Gr→ Sev also has many more direct BUSes, in even shorter trip time as slow train.

I am still (mostly) lost on what to purchase and when.

  1. I checked the RENFE/Spainrail website.  Madrid to Barcelona shows RENFE in the $300-$400 range.  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass for this $300-$400 price?
  2. Granada to Seville shows ‘No train found...’ between these two stations.  Is there a different system for this route?  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass?
  3. Seville to Madrid shows RENFE in the $200 range.  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass?
  4. How do I reserve 1st class seats for 4 senior adults.

What is the process to use the $1077 Eurail pass for the 3 trips I need?

Thank you.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I am still (mostly) lost on what to purchase and when.

  1. I checked the RENFE/Spainrail website.  Madrid to Barcelona shows RENFE in the $300-$400 range.  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass for this $300-$400 price?
  2. Granada to Seville shows ‘No train found...’ between these two stations.  Is there a different system for this route?  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass?
  3. Seville to Madrid shows RENFE in the $200 range.  How do I use the Eurail $1077 pass?
  4. How do I reserve 1st class seats for 4 senior adults.

What is the process to use the $1077 Eurail pass for the 3 trips I need?

Thank you.



(If you have searched correctly) Those are the prices for buying standalone single tickets directly from RENFE. These fares/tickets have nothing to do with Eurail passes

Granada to Seville: I can find a number of daily connections with journey times of 2h30m to 3h prices starting from €29.40 per person. Note: when searching use Spanish language Sevilla not Seville.


Add this to the searches you have done and you will find that it is cheaper to buy those 3 journeys as single tickets which automatically include seat reservations from RENFE than to buy a Eurail pass which also require €10 per person per train reservations (which in Spain are problematic to get for anyone not in Spain) in addition to the Eurail pass price.

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

IF all are >60, they can buy a Tarjeta Dorade=Golden pass, for just 6€ for 1 yr, this gives senior discount on normal fares of 25-40% (I have one). However, I am not sure if it is possible to buy tickets with discount before you have that slip of paper (often they ask for the 6-7 digit code on it). You buy it instantly on the spot by showing ID at any station.

AND again: GOogle is very often a good friend: use it for Spanish Rail Pass-as I mentioned, for virtual online bookings  without the pesky way to REServe with EUrail passes-these are included. One canNOT ONLY REServe seats with a pass online on RENFE=has to be done at estacion, with the risk that trains are full (in main season in ESpana they often are). It seems you have not realised this.

But if it all remains mysterious, I think its better to turn to an experienced travel agent.

BTW-here in EUR noone ever uses US$ prices, its € anywhere. We have also learnt to count >12 till 24 in stead of ampm.
