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I am new in Interrail travelling and my plan is a 3 - months train tour thru Europe, starting in September 22 in Stockholm.

Then Oslo, Copenhagen, …. and more or less all Capitals of north, west and south europe will be next stations.

Now I have problems to book my first reservation from Stockholm to Oslo in begin of september 22.

My idea was to plan then also more than this one reservation, but when first trip is not o.k. I cannt plan next.

So, is something wrong in my idea?

What can I do or when?






you are searching to early reservations sale starts usually 90 or 60days in  advance few examples like Eurostar (several monthsin advance) or domestic Intericity within Poland just 30days in advance.

Youmay have a look on (Swedish rail) when the sale for the train starts (You can even reserve your train their with a mobilepass you need to get a PassCoverNumber from customer Service to reserve on 

hello Seewulf,

thanks for your very fast feedback and good explanations, it will help me for future plannings.

So, I will check each countries and train providers about their ticket-release dates.

Thanks, and have a nice coming weekend,


best Regards




If you really want do all the Hauptstädtli drüben im Norden: take the cruise-liner lookalike ferry to FInland-and go 1 way daytime-then the cost is very low and the sights splendid-quite different from the schwyzerly See-li. You can do the long way around the north by train-except for a short leg from last FI stop to Haapparanttaa in SE(actually a 2-nations stop for SE+FI) (some buses accept the pass even).

The boats are by SiljaTallink(cream+blue) and Viking(red) the daytime boats run to Turku-train from there to HEL. BTW-was there just 2 weeks ago: IN FI all long-dist trains/tickets are REServed inclusie-with a pass you do not need to REServe, but you run the risk any stop that someone comes and claims seat.

The ticket for Sweden after the 29th og August will be released in the beginning of June.

There are, however, construction work being done by the Norwegian railway on the route between Oslo and the Swedish border on the Stockholm route. So there is a risk that there will be only a few, if any, direct trains between the capitals. When I looked the route between Göteborg and Oslo seemed to be running as usual. 

If you really want do all the Hauptstädtli drüben im Norden: take the cruise-liner lookalike ferry to FInland-and go 1 way daytime-then the cost is very low and the sights splendid-quite different from the schwyzerly See-li. You can do the long way around the north by train-except for a short leg from last FI stop to Haapparanttaa in SE(actually a 2-nations stop for SE+FI) (some buses accept the pass even).

The boats are by SiljaTallink(cream+blue) and Viking(red) the daytime boats run to Turku-train from there to HEL. BTW-was there just 2 weeks ago: IN FI all long-dist trains/tickets are REServed inclusie-with a pass you do not need to REServe, but you run the risk any stop that someone comes and claims seat.

dear mcadv,

thanks for your hints, it seems you know best about Switzerland, I will check and think about your suggestions.

Thanks, Frank

The ticket for Sweden after the 29th og August will be released in the beginning of June.

There are, however, construction work being done by the Norwegian railway on the route between Oslo and the Swedish border on the Stockholm route. So there is a risk that there will be only a few, if any, direct trains between the capitals. When I looked the route between Göteborg and Oslo seemed to be running as usual. 

dear AnnaB,

thanks for your detailed feedback, so I will check and re-think about my travel plan and also wait a little bit until JUne to book the reservations.

Best greetings from Berlin

