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I have enjoyed using my paper pass and it’s time has now expired. I thought I read somewhere that the completed paper passes needed to be sent back to Interrail so that they could allocate your usage to the various train companies you used? Have I just made that up? Do they just use the mobile pass data to calculate the allocation now? Thanks 

Sending back the trip report was a possibility previously but they now indeed use the mobile pass data to determine allocations.

This was asked for (and longer time ago even rewarded) as they needed these reports to make global overveiws of where passes where used (you can understand this is an enormous time+effort eating process)-as most passes are sold in the north of EUR and used in the south.

The main reason to enforce these mobile passes was in fact the wish to streamline this process and automate it. It is expected that sale of paper passes can be stopped alltogether-sooner or later.

Sale of mobile passes make up more than 95% of the whole sales, so they don’t Need paper passes travel diaries anymore for this…

It is expected that sale of paper passes can be stopped alltogether-sooner or later.

@mcadv Could you please give a source for this statement or is this just your own expectation?
