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When you have different travel dates in My Trip, trying to show a ticket always shows the date and details for the first travel day whatever travel date you choose from My Trip? Is this just the way it works and the tickets and details for the next travel date will appear once the first date is history?

Have you activated your pass and travel days in advance?

Yes it is activated starting Sep 9th. It is a 3-month card.

Different trips on different dates are added in My Trip.

Whatever date you choose from My Trip and press Show Ticket, it presents the ticket and details for Sep 9th which is the first travel date in My Trip.

I mean that different journeys and dates (not trips) are entered in My Trip.

Yes it is activated starting Sep 9th. It is a 3-month card.

Different trips on different dates are added in My Trip.

Whatever date you choose from My Trip and press Show Ticket, it presents the ticket and details for Sep 9th which is the first travel date in My Trip.

The first date of a pass is automatically activated when the pass is activated.


That day can be subsequently de-activated if needed while still keeping the pass active, this is only useful in certain circumstances for flexi-passes which is not applicable to your consecutive pass.


With the first day active as it is always going to be the next valid day it will be the ticket that is shown by the pass.

The recommendations is to never activate the pass until just before boarding the first train of your trip. If you activate the pass in advance and then something unexpected happens on your departure day, then you can't deactivate your pass.

Thanks for your answers!

Now just still in Tysklan and awaiting the next trip via Danmark to your country, bonusland Sverige. With 3 printed RES from sj, and having even scores a new cover to write down trips today on also 3 maneder passen, of which 1 of these RES for the intended new overnight till Hamburgia is now worthless and excused by SJ-even promising me a complete free return when it finally gets all setlled.
