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Hi, I’m from Sweden and have a problem with the inbound journey. I will arrive in Copenhagen in Denmark - close to the Swedish border - in the evening, and it is not possible to get all the way to my home town in Sweden (Hallsberg) that evening, and there are no night trains. So my plan is to stop somewhere in Sweden on the way home and sleep, and the pick up the journey again the next day. Could this be counted as one journey and be valid as the inbound journey? I’m not travelling around, just going strictly home, but due to the late hour that I’m crossing the border to my home country, I will have to do it in two steps. I have no problems with the validity date of my pass, nor the number of days I travel.


Ok, thanks for clarification. As I'm in a hurry home, I will travel to Alvesta and sleep there, and pay for the rest of the trip the day after. 

Nej, du kan inte sova över i Sverige på hemresan. Om du reser in i Sverige under ett dygn måste resan fortsätta under det dygnet. Antingen får du sova i Köpenhamn, eller vänta i Köpenhamn till efter midnatt och åka över till Malmö och sova där. Eller betala för resan mellan Köpenhamn och Malmö.

No, you cannot sleep over in Sweden on the journey home. If you travel into Sweden during a 24-hour period, the journey must continue during that 24-hour period. Either you can sleep in Copenhagen, or wait in Copenhagen until after midnight and go over to Malmö and sleep there. Or pay for the journey between Copenhagen and Malmö.

Nej-assuming you have used the OUTbound already you have thus only 1 day left to use in Sverige.

You could stay the night in Köpenhamn, or Helsing/or-and go home next day, OR, if that does not fancy you, maybe in Malmö/Lund-and PAY a ticket to there fra Lufthavn and use last day to get home. It counts calenderdays.

annaB may be knows more.

If you-re tight on money (Ive never met a Swede who really was) then you could spend the small hours of the night in Lufthavn CPH and use a very early train to Malmö and on next early morning. Check sleepinginairports or know that many people arr late evening to catch flites early morning. This is certainly a safe spot.
