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Transfer seat reservations to a different Eurail pass

  • 5 July 2022
  • 2 replies

We made a mistake with the Eurail pass we originally purchased and are going to have to exchange it for another pass. The difficulty is that we purchased seat reservations with the original pass purchased and now we don’t know how to get the seat reservations applied to a new pass.

Is it possible to get seat reservations applied to a different Eurail pass than the reservation was originally purchased with?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

As you haven’t said what countries/operators/classes of train you are asking about the best answer is that reservations are not generally tied to a particular ticket, some may have no real identification at all others will be linked to your name.

Reservations are not linked to a pass as such although some may have a pass/ticket number that you supplied printed on them, you will probably be fine using them with a replacement pass without having to do anything.

Thank you! This is for traveling in France. I don’t know if that changes anything.
