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I have quite the problem. Yesterday, I didn't travel. Today I traveled from UK to France. Today I noticed, that interrail booked me a travel day yesterday, without ever warning me. That means today is day 4/4 in the app, where in fact it is day 3/4.

Problem: I need to continue tomorrow to Spain. That should my day 4/4, but it's already used up. Now I can't reach anyone and get no response from interrail. I don't know what to do. How can I travel tomorrow? Will interrail refund me, if I buy a ticket?

It's a shame that trying to travel more climate friendly is always such a massive hassle. I'm really driving crazy, no long distance train travel goes without problems 😭

Thanks and best, 


@Dan31415  Please get in touch with costumer service via this link. Write/select that you are travelling now to get an answer asap. 

Thanks for your response Angelo! Unfortunately, I did that already 31 hours ago without response or help. 


I just ended up buying a 150€ ticket and might need to buy another one later. It's really sad, a similar thing happened to me last year. I think I will need to start flying again more often and buy high quality offsets. This is an impossible experience, even though I recommended interrail to so many people, I will start not to recommend it anymore, they just let people strand and have no customer support. 

Also get in touch via Twitter and Facebook. I read that you usually receive a response faster there.


Thumbs up!!
