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My friends and I are planning on travelling from Edinburgh next summer and I was wondering if my Global Pass would cover my trip from Edinburgh to London, and London to Paris? Or if it would just cover my trip from Edinburgh to London and we would cover the cost from London to Paris? 

All those trains are fully included.

On 2 of your pass days you can take trains in your country of residence. This means that you'd have to leave London the same day you start your trip.

Keep in mind that Eurostar trains require a seat reservation (30€ in 2nd class to Paris). Those trains also have quotas for passholders so book well in advance.

Thanks for your help!

When I was reading over the pass information it says “The Interrail Global Pass is valid for travel in your country of residence during one outbound journey and one inbound journey that occur during travel days at any point in your trip.” so I wasn’t sure if this meant that the pass only covered one trip?

Yeah it is not clearly written. It should read "on two days"
